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High streets - transforming Accrington Town Square

Image : Market Chambers, Accrington – view from Blackburn Road. Image courtesy of AEW Architects. 

The development of town centres in the UK is an important concern among voters in the run up to the forthcoming general election. LDA Design has been talking about plans to regenerate Accrington Town Centre:

'With the Pennines on the doorstep, the Lancashire market town of Accrington is a fantastic place to live. However, like many other towns up and down the country, it has experienced challenges. Recent polling shows 50 per cent of people living locally say that they rarely visit the centre, something that local council Hyndburn is looking to change.'

LDA Design’s Planning team has been working with Hyndburn Borough Council to make Accrington Town Square an animated destination, securing planning and listed building consent for the restoration of three civic buildings fronting the Square: Market Hall, Burtons Chambers and Market Chambers. The firm states:

'This involved working closely with local heritage and design experts and the Local Planning Authority to advise on planning strategy and taking a suite of applications to successful determination. In a fast-moving programme, the team has secured five approvals in a few months.

'The series of works, now underway, include the refurbishment of Market Hall to create a lively food and drink destination. Market traders are already operating successfully from high-spec temporary market stalls in the Square whilst the works to the Market Hall are undertaken. It is envisaged that half of the Market Hall’s ground floor space will be used for market traders, leisure and play, with the remaining space providing a day to night food and drink offer.

'Burtons Chambers is an art deco building currently almost entirely vacant and in disrepair. It will be restored to become a bustling co-working space for local businesses and budding entrepreneurs, creating demand for the new Market Hall traders.


'The Market Chambers building stands opposite the Market Hall. It will be acquired and transformed into a heritage, cultural and arts and venue to celebrate Accrington’s local heritage and build on the town’s industrial legacy.

'Accrington Town Square’s transformational projects have been made possible through the Government’s Levelling Up Fund.   Accrington was one of 55 towns singled out last year to benefit from a £1.1 billion ‘Long-term Plan for Towns’ investment pot, with £20 million of funding to be spent to address local priorities over the next 10 years.

'LDA Design’s work with Hyndburn Borough Council aims to celebrate the area’s distinctive character, support local traders, and draw new businesses and visitors into the town. Diversification of the central offer will help to increase footfall, creating an evening destination and new job opportunities. It is anticipated that investment in Accrington will be a catalyst for wider change across Hyndburn.'

Visit for information and updates about changes to come.

Click here for more on the Government’s four levelling up investment programmes.


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