Colchester to lead on first garden communities project in the UK
Colchester Borough Council has been working with Essex County Council to solve problems of population growth in North Essex.
New garden communities are part of the solution which has just been announced to deal with long term housing , transport, infrastructure, open space and employment needs. Government and council investment will mean that core amenities such as schools and GP surgeries, as well as road networks are planned ahead of house building. Developers will pay back cash to the councils as homes are delivered.
Leader of Colchester Borough Council Paul Smith stated that the idea is to help people have the best chance to live happy and healthy lives. He described how important it is for residents to feel that they have some control over their lives, where they live and the sort of lifestyle that they desire.
Watch our interview with Ian Vipond, Strategic Director for Commercial and Place at Colchester Borough Council as he describes the importance of communities taking an active ownership role over their environment, and the search for partners and developers with a long term view: