Hoare Lea joins June Future Cities Forum's 'new model work places' event
Above: Diana Sanchez Barajas, Director and Head of ESG at Hoare Lea (courtesy Hoare Lea) Future Cities Forum is delighted that Diana...

BDP progresses Indonesian green port plan
Patimban New City master-plan (Image courtesy BDP) BDP has been appointed to design a 528-hectare, mixed-use, waterfront development...

Innovation in building materials is a must for sustainability
Berkeley St James development at Wood Lane, West London under construction At Future Cities Forum's 'Net Zero Cities' debate this...

Net Zero Cities - sustainable infrastructure and the place-based approach
CGI of entrance to HS2 Curzon station in Birmingham (Grimshaw) Future Cities Forum is holding its infrastructure event this week, looking...

Kier Group sets Passivhaus standards for civic buildings
CGI of St. Sidwell's Point leisure centre in Exeter (Kier Construction) We were delighted that Kier Group joined our 6th July...

A new model of modular housing for local authorities and developers
Chapman Taylor's Umbrellahaus model of offsite housing for cities The debate for local authorities continues on whether to focus on...

Kier on sustainability and energy efficiency in Regent Street, London
Morley House on Regent Street London (pre BDP's green landscaping interventions) - courtesy MSMR Architects, who carried out the...

Mount Anvil speaks to Future Cities Forum about sustainable building materials
Mount Anvil's Friary Park sustainability graphic (Mount Anvil and housing association Catalyst are working together to transform Acton's...