Yoo Capital joins our 'Cultural Cities' January forum
CGI of proposed sky garden level at Olympia London (SPPARC) We are delighted that Yoo Capital's Managing Partner, Lloyd Lee, will join...

Future Cities Forum member on the shortlist for Leeds City Square
CGI from Rushbond of view from Leeds station to Leeds City Square showing refurbished Majestic Building on left (home to Channel 4) MICA...

Highlights from our Housing 2021 forum
Modular housing for the homeless (Pan-London Collaborative Enterprise / ESS) Last week Future Cities Forum gathered housing experts to...

Chief Executive of Historic England to speak at our 'Cultural Cities' forum
The Chief Executive of Historic England, Duncan Wilson is to speak at our 'Cultural Cities' forum in January 2021. He joins Director of...

TfL, Chapman Taylor and PLACE at Future Cities Forum's 'Housing 2021'
CGI of Chapman Taylor's Umbrellahaus modular housing scheme Transport for London (TfL), Chapman Taylor and PLACE (Pan-London...

Mount Anvil speaks to Future Cities Forum about sustainable building materials
Mount Anvil's Friary Park sustainability graphic (Mount Anvil and housing association Catalyst are working together to transform Acton's...

V&A East leader at Future Cities Forum
Gus Casely-Hayford, OBE, the Director of V&A East will lead discussions at Future Cities Forum's January 2021 event debating the future...

Manchester's Ardwick Green heritage, housing and net zero regeneration
Ardwick Green regeneration plan - courtesy Manchester City Council A new consultation has started this week giving the people of...

The future for world class tech cities
Interior of Arm HQ at Peterhouse Technology Park, Cambridge (Scott Brownrigg - image by Hundven Clements Photography) This week our...